
 SO this week things finally started really moving.

First thing I did was re-assemble the differential now I have it strengthened and back from MK. Once it was back together, I cleaned and painted it with hammerite satin black and it looks pretty good!

I then pressed in the nice new orange bushes and actually put it in the car!!! This was the main piece that had stopped me getting to doing bodywork, but its now out of the way.

So tonight, I got on with trimming the bodywork. This is pretty nervewracking as one slip and it would be easy to make a big mess of it, but the manual is pretty good and along with some advice from some of the other builders I think I've done a reasonable job. Having a rose jointed chassis means that a couple of the measurements are slightly different to the manual. It'll look a bit scruffy until I take all the tape off and give all the edges a quick sand but I'm going to leave it as is for now as protection.

Will do the left hand side of the car tomorrow and then I can stick and rivet them on.
(For anyone else who is building - the manual says to dry fit the rear panel first. I couldn't really get my head around that - its hard to work out how the rear panel is supposed to fit without the sides on first - and the sides can only really go logically in one place whereas there are a few different nuances to the way the rear fits, so I'll get the sides all sorted and then work out how the rear is supposed to go.

My uprights and driveshafts should be finished this week as well which is great - with a bit of luck i'll be at a rolling chassis pretty soon!


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