Catch up

 OK - so loads has happened since my last post. In terms of progress on the new stuff, I've been chipping away at it.

Got both sides of the bodywork finished and cut out, and then moved onto the rear part and got that finished so thats all a good result!

Then finally, my uprights came back, allowing me to do this:

And then tonight I managed to find a place to sit!

I'm also still working on the engine - I resealed the windage plate and the sump and all was going well, until I went to torque the final bolt up to spec and it snapped

Leaving this looking mostly done, but I think I am going to pull it off again, re-clean, re-do and re-seal the whole lot.

Alternatively - I am hoping Raptor might service and refurbish the engine for me. I'm really not crazy about the job, and honestly they would do a way better job of it than I will, with the added peace of mind for me. I'm just waiting on Andy to come back and confirm thats an option and I'll whisk the engine away to him for a couple of weeks. At the moment there is nothing i can do with the engine as we are still waiting on ECU's and engine harnesses from OMEX.

So whats next?
I have to re-do a couple of things. The bodywork hasn't stuck very well  - advice from the builder community is use the name brand tiger seal and it'll never move again, so thats what I am doing. In addition I need to re clean and re-spray my gearbox again. It wasn't clean enough last time so this time it will get a serious scrub down with brake cleaner, a couple of coats of oven cleaner with hot water hosedowns in between and then a final brake cleaner detail before I try and spray it again.
I have a few things remaining to do around the bodywork - wings front and back, drill holes for brake flexis, connect the brakes up
Then I think I'll probably get on to some wiring. I don't have the engine harness as I said but I can get the chassis harness wired in and all the lights etc connected up.
The plan now is to do at least one thing every day and chip away at it, at least until the engine is ready to go in.


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