Getting on with it

 I may have outsourced some of the stuff I was not really enjoying. I have bitten the bullet and sent my manky uprights and axles off to be reconditioned by people paid to do so, with the added benefit that they will almost certainly do a better job than I would.

That's relieved the stress levels hugely, and turned this project back into what I wanted, which was a cathartic exercise where I can make a bit of progress every time I go into the garage. Over the last couple of days I have installed the fuel tank, modified the fuel pump bracket and got all that installed. This has meant learning a few new skills. I have never riveted anything before for a start!

The fuel tank straps bent and fitted

and the fuel pump unit fully installed and ready to go.

I now have a load of things I could do. I can't make big significant progress until some of the parts I have sent away start coming back, but I can do a few little preparatory bits and pieces - trim, paint and fit the top half of the steering column, fit the throttle cable, fit all the saddle bushes for the electrics, clean and paint the gearbox, fit the handbrake cables.
The fun really starts when I get the axles, steering arm, and diff back. Then I can fit all the front and rear suspension, brakes, wheels, steering column, and all of a sudden, it's a rolling chassis. I can't wait.


  1. That looks super satisfying progress Dave. Will be interesting to see the refurbed parts; you'll then be spoiled for choice for jobs to do ;-)


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