A rethink.
So - a short one today. For transparency - I have had to have a bit of a rethink. When I first looked at starting this, you will remember I shelved it because the Caterham costs were way too much. Over the last few days I have done the numbers on the Raptor a load of times and come to the realisation that again, it was coming out much too high. It was basically going to eat a lot of savings for a while and that's not something I was comfortable with - it's not all about me! (To be clear - that's not Raptor's fault, I was basically just overreaching myself). So - I have cancelled my order with Raptor - Andy was awesome about it and really understanding, and I really appreciate it.
I'm a bit gutted - and in the future I DEFINITELY want to go back to Raptor and have a scottish made car with a really (read crazily) powerful engine so I will be keeping a really close eye on their progress. I'm also super interested in the V8 kit they are developing - go take a look!
So what now? Let's be clear - I'm still getting into this but at a hugely reduced outlay - I'm looking at less than half of what the raptor was shaping up to be (we are talking more along the lines of an expensive bicycle than midrange car!). There are a couple of options I am considering, such as buying a completed second hand but inexpensive seven, buying a part finished kit or starting again with a much cheaper kit. I should have made a choice in the next few days which emotionally makes me much more comfortable about the level of spend, and allows me to dip my toe in the car building world without writing all other purchases off for a couple of years, while actually letting me add a couple of the bits of bling I have been thinking about as well!
I'll come back when I have reached a decision...
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